

I want to write something about a good friend of mine


The first time I met Simon I asked myself: what’s wrong with him? I went to my parents and asked them, but they couldn’t really explain it to me. They can not do it to me until today yet.


But on a party I got to know him better. I always thought that he can’t live with his handicap because he can’t do so many things with it. I visited Simon with my friends and I  realized that he has no problems with his arms.


My idea of his handicap is that it supposed to be bad but I think he is used to be with the handicap.


You can do everything with him and if you know him so good like me, you would understand me. When I was younger I was confused what happened to him. In that time I didn’t know him, but now I know him and I think it so stupid if the others are run him down. He is one of my best friends.


You can talk about everything with him and he has his own opinion. You can go into the cinema or doing anything else. We have a lot of fun with Simon and there will be noone who destroy our friendship.